Our First Tournament – SFV Firelight Cup

Hello and welcome to the first ASG battle report, first of all, a massive thank you to everyone who came and competed in our Firelight Cup tournament; spectators, supporters and especially our competitors. We genuinely couldn’t have held this event without you and what an event it was! Team ASG wanted to hold an event to dust off the cobwebs caused by covid lockdown and start something fresh and social and you delivered in spades, so definitely a huge round of applause for you guys.
As for our first ever event, PHEW what can we say? (You think reading Cammy mix ups is hard, just run a street fighter tournament with OBS playing up in the background.) Thankfully we were able to get plenty of pictures and video to capture the event and more importantly the matches and EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY your smiling faces, trust me guys no need to be camera shy next time, who knows? you might even get a new insta profile pic, and to those of you who were feeling more photogenic, you helped capture the feel we were going for so we’re in your debt.

Like we said previously our goal was to create a nice, social space for gamers to come mingle, play and after the drought created by lockdowns, a place to brush up, practice compete and win and as far as first events go we think it was a great experience for all involved and everything (more or less) went to plan, people came on time, played their sets and most importantly had fun. We had thrills, spills and upsets; the kind of buzzing social atmosphere you can’t emulate with an online lobby.

We were lucky to have familiar faces come and join us with the likes of Wittyboy, Blay Vision, JME; as well as some new such as up and coming streamer Harold Hibari (who you can catch here on twitch). All in all Eight competitors and over thirteen furious matches are all available to see on our youtube channel this event turned out to be extremely close.
Here are our top 3 winners for our first ever tournament, the Firelight Cup:
1st – ApexPredatorOJ
2nd – Wittyboy
3rd – JasonDIA
Ultimately the highlight of the event was the incredible underdog story of ApexPredatorOJ who fought his way out from the losers bracket to ironically defeat the man who put him there, Wittyboy, in the final. ApexPredator’s Ken needed some time to warm up it seems but as soon as he found his groove he was ready for war.

And there you have it, our first ever event and most certainly not our last, we looking optimistic about the future of gaming events and tournaments and we’ve seen that london is a vibrant diverse gaming environment and you guys want more, so from Team ASG once again thank you for joining us on this journey, we look forward to bringing you more action, more fun and most of all building this community brick by brick with you, till next time.